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My grandchildren Kay & Mat

Saturday, October 30, 2010


What's that look on your face Matthew? is that a smirk, that you can do better than your Ate Kayelle in skateboarding?

Kayelle seemed to be enjoying her sportsdance on skateboard!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Trip to St. Pio Chapel with Kayelle

Last Tuesday, October 4, 2010, Yvonne, Kayelle and I took a jeepney on the way to the St Pio Pietrelcina Chapel in Libis, Quezon. While in the jeep, her excitement was so infectious, hearing the comments of a three-year old child. Whenever she saw a bridge, Jollibee or MacDonald fastfoods, she would say: wow! At one point she said “it was too fast” (referring to the speed of the jeep.)

In the chapel, she knelt whenever we knelt; she was curious about the icon of Mama Mary, Jesus, and St. Pio. I gave her the necklace/icon of St. Pio. She seemed to be bothered/inconvenienced hanging it in front. So, she placed the icon on her back.

On the way to KFC for our dinner, she saw the sign “Dell” where her dad works. She wanted to see her parents in the office. She would not relent so I had to phone her dad to let her know that he was off sick.

At KFC, I ordered spaghetti for her because I know that it is the favorite of children. She would not eat it because it has red sauce, so she opted for fried chicken. After eating, she stood on the seat with thumbs up directed to customers. Anybody who needs a product endorser from Kayelle?

Monday, September 13, 2010

Kayelle & Mat: future drummers?

From early, on, you would be able to see a child's character or his/her favorite music, his inclinations. Mat & Kay would dance to their favorite music and grab the mic to sing. These talents come from their parents, but the dimples from an earlier ancestors.

I spent Saturday and Sunday with these two darlings. Their energy and happiness are infectious. So when you are sad or anxious, spend it with your favorite grandchildren.

For their pictures, go to


Sunday, August 22, 2010

My Grandchild Matthew Naven's First Bday

My grandchild Matthew Naven’s First Birthday

Matthew Naven, a deep thinking boy, turned one in August 2010.
Four seasons have gone by, at least in some parts of the globe; in the Philippines dry or wet season only.

Matthew was one month only when we were visited by the typhoon Ondoy in September 2009. His parents had to wade through the waist-deep water on the second day for fear of rising water, for about four kilometers from their house to the gate of the subdivision where an aunt was waiting to bring them to the safety of their home, 10 kilometers from the deeply flooded place. He and and his sister, each on the arms of the mother and the father, Matt was oblivious of the dangers the family was going through.On my part I could not do anything, but pray for God’s mercy to help them out of danger.

Eleven months have passed since that horrifying incident where thousands died and left homeless. I am thankful to God. After darkness, came the light. From their rented apartment, which was 10 feet under water during the typhoon Ondoy, they moved to their new home… their own. I could say that their bond was made stronger.

Back to Matthew! Even as an infant, Matthew was not a complainer. He only cried when hungry or wet, unlike his sister who seemed to be very vocal about her feelings. True, no two siblings are the same in temperament.

Now that Matt is one, he can walk; and he is proud of his accomplishments in his quiet, observant way. He is so endearing. He would stare at you, then hugs. He would climb the stairs fast and then look back if somebody is watching his feat.

May God protect Matt and his family from harm, and all the other families in the world and give them the light of Jesus. Lord Jesus. thank you so much.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My Children and Grandchildren

Children differ in their growth. Some are early bloomers, while others are late bloomers. Einstein, the greatest scientist, could not speak until he was 5 years old. He was called stupid by his teacher. He bloomed later in his life.

My grandchild Kayelle could speak up to three syllables at age two, while his father could speak a complete sentence at the age of one.

Seems my second grandchild Matthew, will be able to speak long phrases at an earlier age compared to Kayelle.

Kayelle is more sociable compared to Matthew. The boy is more of an observer and will be the implementer, while Kayelle will be the planner and the talker.

Kayelle is a cry-baby, impatient; Matthew is the opposite. He does not cry unless hurt.

Why is it that a baby’s first word is Ma and not Da? Could be that the mothers cuddle their child more often than the fathers.

My oldest son was seven months when he fell off the bed, and hollered Ma!!!, his first word.

Children pronounced words in a funny way, like
Helicopter – helicoteng
Brush your teeth – la to te

My second son was so fond of cars that he would be able to identify the make of a car at age one and a half. I thought he could already read. No he couldn’t. It was just recognition as advertised over television (hearing and seeing)

Do you believe in ESP? (extra sensory perception)

When I took my three children, aged two, three, and five) to the supermarket. I left them inside the car in the parking area because I didn’t want to be detained longer than necessary; they would always point at something to buy.
When I was at the cashier for my purchases, I felt a sudden palpitation, so I hurried out to the car. I saw my youngest son crying, hanging on to the open door of the car, his feet short of one foot to the ground.
Why could we sense that something is wrong with a loved one? Is the cord of the baby spiritually connected to the mother?

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Kayelle & Mat Sibling Rivalry

Even at a very young age, you can see the rivalry between children. The eldest child usually already at age two, sees the coming child as a threat to her, a rival to the affection of her parents. Upon arrival of the younger child from maternity hospital, rivalry starts if the child is not properly introduced to the elder child. That is, explain to the older child what her role would be to the newborn.

Some parents forbid the older child from getting close to the newborn thinking that the older child would harm the newborn. The older child sense this, so she becomes jealous, and when opportunity comes her way, does the newborn harm.

Confidence should be shown to the older child that the parents are depending on the older child for the newborn’s safety. However, the parents should not be complacent. They should still be watchful.

The manner the siblings are treated in this early stage, will become the foundation to the relationship of the children in their later years. If respect to the older child is ingrained by the parents to the younger child and vice versa, then their relationship would turn up smooth. The younger child would look up to the older sibling for support, though they should be taught independence. However, respect should always be there.

I saw the jealousy of Kayelle to her younger brother Matthew. She would sometimes pinch her brother or would not give her playthings to Mat, but she eventually came around and gets protective.

No two children are exactly alike, Kayelle is turning up to be sociable and strong-willed. Matthew seems to be the opposite. In his quiet way, he observes, and he is not a cry baby unlike Kayelle in earlier years.

During Kayelle’s birthday, I gave Kayelle her wrapped birthday gift while for Matthew, an unwrapped horse and train toys. Kayelle got it all, played with it, with Matthew just watching. When the guests of Kayelle arrived, Mat saw the chance to play with the toys.

They are of different temperament, but I love them both.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Kayelle's 3rd Birthday

A simple birthday celebration was held for Kayelle last Saturday, June 26, in their house. Those who came were Kayelle’s neighbor friends, her great paternal grandfather and aunts, and yours truly, Lola Zeny.

I gave Kayelle her gift which she wanted to open right away, but she was restrained by her parents. So, she turned her attention to the unwrapped toys I brought for Matthew, her 10-month old younger brother. She played with the horse toy and the train which rolls by friction.
When Matthew saw it, he wanted to get down and play with it, but the Ate stopped him, and there was no complaint from the little boy. You can see the difference in their temperament, the cool boy, and the hard-headed Ate (older sister).

When the guests arrived, Kayelle let go of the toys and opened the gifts from her guests.
It was now the opportunity for Mat to play with the horse and toy train.

They were eating the food served like hot dogs with marshmallow on a stick, spaghetti, ice cream and cake (the usual favorite of children) when I saw Kayelle crying, face on the floor. I thought it was the usual tantrum, but when I lifted her face, I saw a reddish bump on her forehead. She fell on the floor, face down. When I saw it, I hurriedly opened my bag to reach for my MAC, which is my regular companion. With shaking hands, I mixed one tablespoon of water to two drops of MAC and applied it on her forehead. In a few minutes her crying stopped, then back to normal again.

This incident reminded me of my time with my children: when Kayelle’s father was running after me (I was already on my way to work, when he fell down with softdrinks in his hands. It broke and lacerated his right thumb, I thank God it didn't injure his face. It had to be closed by what the doctor called butterfly stitches. No thread, just the tape, and it worked.

In another occasion the whole family was going somewhere. When the helper closed the car door, she didn’t notice that Harold’s fingers where on the door. It became blue and blood oozed.

On both instances, I was so helpless, transfixed. I couldn’t move to help my son. It was my helpers who did it.

There were so many accidents/incidents that I thought were buried in my mind, but this comes up whenever similar accidents happen, specially to a loved one.

I was not a praying person during the time with my children. Now, I realized that we can ask GOD for HIS protection, not only in the physical aspect, but also in other areas of our life.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Matthew Naven

Matthew is such a nice and sensitive boy at 10 months old. He only observes quietly. If a person is new to him or somebody he knows, but hasn't seen for quite sometime, he refuses to smile unless you tickle him on his tummy.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Leila Kayelle's first day in school

Nearing her 3rd birthday, my grandchild Leila was enrolled in a Kindergarten school near their home as a "saling-pusa" (a term in Filipino meaning not officially enrolled) because she wanted to attend school already.

Complete with books and other paraphernalia, she was brought to school by her excited parents.When Kayelle was busy listening to the teacher, her parents silently exited. All went well and she was treated to snacks and then the playground. When she was asked what happened in school, she simply said they ate.

A child's first time in school is a beautiful experience for the parents, remembering their own time, so with the grandparents.

When I took Kayelle's father to Kinder school, he was also excited, unlike other children who were crying asking for their mom. When he got home, via school bus, I asked him the same question: "What happened in school?" and he answered
"kumain, naglaro" (we ate and played) and yet he was recognized as valedictorian in school.

Even in high school, he would not do any lesson when he got home. When I asked him why, he said he did it in school and he focused on the lessons while in the classroom, so need to repeat it at home. It was time for his other activities. Again, he was the school's valedictorian.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Leila Kayelle Turning 3 on 26th

It seems like yesterday when I cared for my granddaughter, Leila Kayelle, when she was only two weeks old, and occasionally when she had no nanny.

During the three months I was visiting and caring for her. I felt that I developed a strong bond with her. They say that the mere scent of the mother or whoever cares for the child is recognized by an infant.

She was taken by her parents to visit her maternal grandmother for 10 days.
On her return and when I held her, she cried, as if saying, "I missed you grandma".

How fast time flies, and now she's turning three on the 26th of June.


Ps. Pray for our children, that they may be protected by God from any harm. Ask, Ask, Ask!

It hurts the parents so much if their child meets an accident which could happen anywhere, your home or on the road.

Search the web from this site re the Iranian med students killed in a Cebu bus crash.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


During our outing at Casanjo Garden Resort in Cainta, Philis., just three blocks away from the house of my grandchild Kayelle, we had our outing with brother-in-law Peter and my sister Luchie who arrived from Canada for their 15-day vacation in the Philippines.

Children, including my grandchild Kayelle who is turning three in June, had a grand time, most especially Kayelle. It was difficult to pluck her out of the pool. While us women were very careful not to stay long in the pool under the summer sun, Kayelle was unmindful. She was already nearing five times darker than her natural color.
Only with the arrival of her parents, Agnes and Harold was she lured out of the water.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Matthew's baptism

I missed Mat's baptism, a very important event for a Catholic, welcoming Jesus into the child's life through the sponsors who will stand as their godparents; to help the child reared properly in the Catholic faith.

The candle at the baptism signifies that the child received the light of Jesus.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Peace to us all!

Get the message of Leila Kayelle: "Peace be with you!"

Grandmas keep track of the new things her grandchild can do, which the child sees from the environment, that is, playmates, nannies and especially parents.
Let us not expose them to negative environments. As John Calub, a noted Filipino speaker on attracting wealth says, "you will be attracting things that you watch from television whether positive or negative". So better expose the child to positive things if you want a healthy child: physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually.
Of course, it should be a God-guided teachings!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Leila "modelling"

Leila Kayelle, my grandchild is now almost three years old. I talked with her over the the phone and she could respond well. Isn't it a delight for a grandmother having a one-on-one with her grandchild, by long distance?

Definitely,it's a pleasure working with her (her dad is an amateur photographer).
See the "spring and summer" collection:

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Matthew at six months

Yesterday I visited Matthew and Leila. Matthew is now 6 months and a very adorable kid. Matthew is the opposite of Leila who is a hyperactive two-year old.

Matthew seems to be very confident, watchful, only seeks attention when hungry.
I pray to God that they will be God-guided children up to adulthood.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Matthew Naven & Leila Kayelle

Matthew Naven is now five months old, a very lovable child who cries when he's hungry or bed wet. Most of the time he observes, smiles or seems to show disapproval to something he doesn't like.

No two siblings or two persons can be exactly the same, not even identical twins, in physical appearance nor in temperament.

Mat's older sister, Kayelle, even as an infant, showed her temper. She hollers when she needs something. She is on the hyperactive side. What could be attributed to this temper tantrum? Is it genetic, the food that she eats or other factors?
The nanny should be extra patient to children like her. She shouldn't be treated in the same way as the boy, Matthew.

I noticed that Kayelle's two fingernails have streaks of white. This is an idication that she lacks protein. Despite the formula that she drinks which supposedly is complete in vitamins and minerals, she's got the white streaks. Maybe, she lacks the nutrients that she needs coming from the foods or she needs supplemenntation (natural). And...get away from artificial food coloring coming from foods and drinks, and the preservatives.